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Pennsylvania Rut Report

Darton Harwick of Flatline Whitetails provides a whitetail rut update for Pennsylvania.

Location: northern Pennsylvania Rut stage: post rut Current buck movement: 7/10

Projected buck movement: 5/10 As gun season was happening, we were seeing a lot of bucks on their feet nudging around young does. Our trail cameras have confirmed this, as well. Most of all, though, bucks are hammering food sources. One thing I've encountered in Pennsylvania has been a number of bucks shedding their antlers early. We're unsure if it's from getting shot or they're just more unhealthy than usual, but there are more bucks than we've ever seen that have lost their headgear.

With warmer temps on the way, I think buck movement will slow down. I expect movement to pick back up for late season as long as we have cold weather that forces deer into obvious food sources. Evenings tend to be better, but we also like morning hunts late season, focusing on fringe bedding where we can find deer coming back from food.

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