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Alabama Rut Report

Parker McDonald of Southern Ground Hunting Podcast provides a whitetail rut update for Alabama.

Location: northern Alabama

Rut stage: pre-rut

Current buck movement: 4/10 Projected buck movement: 6/10

We're finally on the home stretch of the rut in northern Alabama. With November wrapping up, hunters will start to find rubs and scrapes popping up more and more. We've even heard reports of young bucks starting to chase in other parts of the state, but most deer around here are still in food to bed patterns. The week of Thanksgiving I saw a lot of bucks getting killed, likely due to more people in the woods. I'd focus on hunting near a buck's bed, as the majority of movement is taking place around dark. They'll shake those nocturnal movements if we get a good cold front in the next few weeks, though.

Although the Alabama rut can be hard to pin down, all signs are pointing to the second week of December as being the time to be in a tree.

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