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Kentucky Rut Report

Adam Crews of Down South Hunting provides a whitetail rut update for Kentucky.

Location: western Kentucky

Rut stage: peak rut

Current buck movement: 8/10

Projected buck movement: 9/10 The buck activity in Kentucky could be described as intense for yearlings, but less than moderate for older class deer. Throughout the first week of November, if a doe were to pass underneath the stand—a buck would not be far behind.

Out of the three bucks that were over three years of age, none were pushing a doe, but rather traveling to destination locations such as bedding or feeding. Over the course of a week, the weather went from above average temperatures to raining, and then down into the 30’s with a rising barometric pressure.

The improvement in the weather seemed to increase the doe movement, but had little effect on the buck activity. Most movement was seen at sunrise and sunset, but the most intense chasing was around mid-day. It should also be noted, that the number of scrapes and rubs seemed to increase and show up in areas that were not hit earlier. I believe that the coming week’s activity should encourage anyone hunting in this part of the country.

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